A short 8 step guide to get going with your first Hugo website

  1. Install Hugo: Download and install Hugo on your computer following the instructions for your operating system.

  2. Choose a theme: Browse through the available Hugo themes and choose one that meets your design needs.

  3. Create a new site: Use the Hugo command line interface (CLI) to create a new site in a directory of your choice.

hugo new site blog
cd blog
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/Morgscode/spaced-hugo-theme themes/spaced
echo "theme = 'spaced-blog'" >> config.toml
hugo server -D
  1. Preview the site: Use the Hugo CLI to preview the site locally in your web browser.

  2. Configure the site: Use the configuration file to set up the basic settings for your site, such as the title, author, and base URL.

  3. Add content: Use the CLI or a text editor to create new content in the form of Markdown files and add them to the appropriate content directory.

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
  1. Add static assets: Add any static assets such as images and CSS files to the appropriate directories.

  2. Customize the theme: Modify the theme templates and styles to match your design preferences.